This writings, I dedicated to all bloggers; both the newborn-, teenager-, established-, and old-bloggers. Keep on writing fellas!

These days, when people ask you "So, do you have a blog?", most of us will say "Yes." or maybe "Ahahaha. I know it's quite embarrassing, but honestly, I don't have a blog." Choose the 2nd answer will make other people think you're such an outdated-person. Or else, maybe he/she will think that "You're boring...".

But hey! who said that everyone now must have a blog? Nobody. It's just our perception towards oneself, and another. There's no need to have a blog if you don't really need one. Lagipun, kalau banyak sangat blog, dunia internet ni pun jadik pening! Overcrowded.

And that's what happened when someone became a 'blogger' sebab ikut-ikutan. They create a blog for the sake of nak update dgn trend or something. Blog is not a trend, I guess. It's just a platform for you to improve your writing skills, your PR skills, and also a platform to ber-bisnes. Jual-jual tudung, kuih-muih, all the tempahan baju. Even my mom has a blog for her antiques. Antiques! See? Who said that orang-orang tua tak tahu berjalur-lebar?

But these people, created a blog with a reason. Maybe a lot of reason. Now, let us ask ourself again, why do we created a blog? Is it for fun, to show off, to publish all the porns, the not-necessaries? Or we just created them to share with others with the good things, the nasihats, the religious facts so that we'll be always remember the God..?

Or, we just created it for no concrete reason and ready to go with the flow?

Pelik kan? Lately, I always came crossed with blog that tells nothing except "Hi readers, today I ate Taugeh! So good!".

Is it the new trend of blogging right now? Am I being the one who duduk bawah tempurung?



  1. Ren said...
    Yup...its all about the intention right? hhmmm.
    Mel said...
    i created a blog because..... because..... hmmm.... i dunno lar!!

    btw, blogger in draft tu dah lamaaaaaaa exist! haha! u outdated! :P
    Faizal Sulaiman said...
    its totally improving my writing skills as well as expand networking
    Unknown said...
    ahah..aku ingt aku sorg jer rasa blog sekrang dipenuhi benda dh tk mcm dulu..sekrg penuh dgn remeh-temeh
    Joey said...
    dear, kalau dah front page national paper headline tulis blog jana RM1 JUTA..siapa yang tak terbeliak mata?

    For me, I like blog that have personal touch and feeling. When you have a so popular blog like HZ, U tend to lose all the personal emotion and feeling, but on the otherside, she can jana banyak duit tau!

    I still believe blog as open diary. Not for making money.

    p/s Sedikit (sedikit sahaja ya) tak suka dengan blog bergambar especially makan kat restoran, berjimba2 di pavilion..
    Anonymous said...
    no's not trend masakini update blog mcm tu.

    blogger yg mcm itu lupa yg ada medium lain utk dia cerita psal taugey dia tu....

    dia lupa ada twitter zaman skrg ni!
    (itu pn kalo ada yg berminat nak tau pasal kisah taugey dia tu)

    NUke_Rude said...

    kool gila reason ko bro! aku lak rasa oren tiba2!

    u blogging sebab u are a blogger! tu pun tak tau! haha~

    yeah.. especially in menulis cerpen,.. kan?
    NUke_Rude said...
    maybe yg remeh temeh tu la apa yg diminati sekarang kot. lepas ni aku pun nk tulis and citer pasal taugeh la weh..

    hm, quite true juga lah. me myself pun buat blog.. more into smthg like having a 'personal-webpage'. Eventho thru blogging boleh generate income, but i still put that #2.

    kan?? nampak sgt tak updet! skang ni, kat blog, ramai yg bubuh gamba2 n produk2 je. Mcm tudung bawal, tudung Mawi, tudung yuna. Or, kuih badak berendam, kuih koci...

    mana ade org cita psl 'makan taugeh' kat blog!! hahaha.

    ko memang saja je kan bro..? komen tang taugeh je!

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