Assalamualaikum, Good-day every1;
this might b my 1st-serius-blog in blogspot after some failure(s) in writing on this site... mainly due to lack of materials, ideas, and...yeah; the storyline. Personally, i wanted to thank to SKIN; an old-best friend of mine; for suggesting me to use a proper blog site. (previously, i'm an active blogger in friendster)
NUke Rude BLOG might be new to you, and maybe for me too, but after this, i'll try my very best to keep on updating this blog.
May 12 2008 - most of the 2nd year students in UKM will start their industrial training, (including me). so, for you guys i wish all of you best of luck, kay...
until we meet again in the5th semester, where all of us know that we're gonna b the final year students in Nuclear Sc. UKM!
NUke Rude