Delayed Entry.

Eventually, I became a husband to someone.

Hard to believe. Even until now. Not that I never have any intention, but acknowledging the fact that we faced a lot of challenge through out the relationship - back when we're still "friends". Of course, she asked on what's next... 2 years ago. But, silly me had kept myself shut which was way worst that saying "no comment".

Anyhow. We were destined to meet again. A simple text eventually developed into a new kind of start-over. I man-ed up this time to give her explanation. And eventually decided to be together. don't ask me how and why? I don't even know what am I doing, back then.

But yeah. I feel blessed; holding onto the phrase "kalau betul dia jodohku, Kau permudahkanlah."

If you were to ask me my major achievement this year... definitely jawapannya: Aku jadi laki orang!

Tak sangka ada yang nak aku, weh.

til then.


1 Comment:

  1. achik ezam said...
    congrats seorang amir!

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