I know you have been checking on my blog frequently. So this entry is for you.


Things happened for reasons. And sadly, things were (and are) not working quite well with us. We once were buddies, we shared most of our times together - doing things, travels, the sleepovers, etc. But, things changed. I am no longer a friend once you knew very well. And you are no longer a friend whose emotions I can easily predict. Not anymore.

We have got too close that it seems very hard for us (especially you) to put everything we once share at the back of your head; back of your life; back to the place called 'memory' or 'lesson learnt'.

We are adults. No longer teenagers, growing up and still figuring our lives. You have created your own life path as I have started to embark my adventurous journey. We are good with it. Supposedly, nothing to be worried because that's how things work. The life.

So, let bygones be bygones; by moving on to the next chapter(s) of your own life; as I do on mine. Do not ask forgiveness from me but yourself. Do not continuously blame yourself for what you have lost.

We may no longer be friends now, and let the time flies. Who knows what will happened in the future -  whether in this remaining life on dunya or the hereafter.

I have always proud of you; your achievements. But never proud of you torturing your soul over what happened.

So, unless you can prove to me that you can continue to be a great person (includes no longer stalking my blog), after reading this; you can fuck off and do not ever think to (even) dream about me again.

Sorry, not sorry, pal.



  1. aefitbentuah said...
    its ok......
    boyoteen said...
    sampai hati x nak kawan ngn i dah...

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