I always say this to my friends:

"I am 0.78% Chinese maa..."
Don't ask me how did I get the figures. I just don't know. The numbers like...just popped out of my head.

Introducing; Chong.

Chong likes to eat; a lot. But Chong doesn't consume pork; and other exotic foods. He believes that he has converted into Islam; that actually he was born as a Muslim.

Chong maa...

Why can't chinese use their chinese name even though he/she is a Muslim?

Nuke Rude Chong.

I think that's my other me.

NUke R. Chong


  1. zixol said...
    Ren said...
    Chong N.R. kekee
    Afir said...
    Ah Chong..ahahha..adekah muka ko cam apek sebenarnyer?Seingat aku xde pong.

    Actually, Chinese can use their Chinese name even though he/she is a muslim, as long as the name mean something good.
    (Applied to every other Race)
    Anonymous said...
    Lame xjumpe bro
    Mel said...
    happy new year mr. chong. :)
    NUke_Rude said...
    yee.. saya..

    ye saya... hahaha

    haiyaa.. saya sangat setuju dengan pendapat kamu itu. bagus bagus!

    heyyy lisszzaaaa! happy new year!!

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